Core themes: Relationships and Health & Wellbeing
Relationships and sex education

It's necessary, and now compulsory, to teach about relationships in all schools. Sex education is also compulsory at key stages 3 and 4, and recommended in the primary phase. This can be challenging, but we’re here to help you know what to cover, and how.

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RSE supports pupils to develop healthy relationships in various contexts, and to know when to seek help. Our resources will help you teach engaging, age-appropriate and inclusive lessons.
Headshot of a PSHE Association Subject Specialist. She has long brown hair and is looking at the camera and smiling.
Subject Specialist

Staying safe and making informed decisions

Learning about relationships and sex supports children and young people to stay safe, enjoy positive relationships of all kinds, and make informed decisions. We will help you to teach this content with confidence. 

Our Programme of Study suggests what to cover by key stage in an age and developmentally appropriate way. Our Programme Builders break things down by year group and our quality assured lesson plans will help you deliver effective lessons, sensitive to the needs and backgrounds of your students.

Statutory Relationships Education and RSE

Of course it is now also a statutory requirement to teach Relationships Education at key stages 1 and 2 and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) at key stages 3 and 4. Our guidance and resources will support you to do so effectively.

Relationships Education will build positive foundations for healthy and safe relationships of all kinds. This will start with family and friends, how to be kind, and exploring online friendships.

In key stages 3 and 4, your PSHE education will include learning about respectful relationships, families, contraception and parenthood, understanding consent, staying safe online, recognising unhealthy or abusive behaviours, and healthy intimate and sexual relationships.

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Training and events

  • KS3-4

    Twilight CPD: Addressing sexual harassment (secondary)

    2 Oct
    £95 per person
    Ofsted's review into sexual harassment in schools highlighted the need for a high quality, planned and sequenced curriculum. This session will explore the nature of sexual harassment in secondary schools, and help you develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to teach the content safely, effectively and confidently. You will consider how PSHE supports a whole school approach and how best to evidence the school's response.
  • KS3-4

    Twilight CPD: Teaching confidently about pornography in PSHE (secondary)

    14 Oct
    £95 per person
    This session will review the case for teaching about pornography in PSHE education, including statutory requirements for RSE. You will explore how to teach about pornography safely and effectively, while taking a research-led approach to tackling the issue with students.
See all training and events


RSHE implementation guidance to support schools with statutory RSHE curriculum requirements.
Look at what statutory RSHE means in practice and how to get your school on board.
Guidance and top tips on setting ground rules and distancing learning in PSHE education.
See all guidance

Research and evidence

Published: October 11, 2021
Published by UNESCO, this report affirms relationships and sex education within a framework of human rights and gender equality.
Published: September 2, 2021