PSHE education teaching resources

Teach safe and effective lessons on a range of topics with quality assured resources from the national body for PSHE education. Learn more about our Quality Mark.

Explore resources by topic
  • Physical health

    Learning about physical health includes food choices, physical activity, balanced lifestyles, drugs and alcohol education, first aid, sleep and dental health.
  • Mental health

    Support your pupils to stay healthy and safe while equipping them to help others.
  • Growing and changing

    Help your pupils understand and manage the physical and emotional changes that may happen during puberty.
  • Personal safety

    Make sure your PSHE education helps children and young people to stay safe – online and offline.
  • Relationships and sex education

    It's now compulsory to teach about relationships. This can be challenging, but we’re here to help you know what to cover, and how.
  • Bullying and discrimination

    We can help you to address bullying and discrimination through PSHE education as part of a whole school approach.
  • Media and digital literacy

    Support your pupils to assess if information is trustworthy and to recognise misleading narratives.
  • Money and careers

    Make sure your PSHE education fosters economic wellbeing and supports positive career choices.
  • Community and responsibility

    Teach about the importance of community and people's responsibilities.
Explore resources by key stage
  • KS1-2

    Browse our KS1-2 resources, guidance and more.
  • KS3-4

    Browse our KS3-4 resources, guidance and more.
  • KS5

    Browse our KS5 resources, guidance and more.
  • SEND

    Browse our SEND resources, guidance and more.
PSHE education podcasts covering a range of topics and featuring the leading voices in health and education.
PSHE talks 2024 fpc
  • We have guidance and lesson plans on a wide range of PSHE education topics, from money and careers and media and digital literacy to mental health, relationships and sex education and much, much more.  

    Click on the 'show me everything' button above to see our full library, and use the filters to narrow your search down. Or you can use our search bar in the top-right to search for resources that match key words (e.g. 'gambling'). 

    Still can't find what you're looking for? Members of the PSHE Association can get in touch for bespoke support and advice. Use the 'help' button in the bottom right of any of our webpages. Find out more and become a member.

  • A selection of the materials featured on our website are free-to-all, including many of those from other organisations which have been awarded our Quality Mark.

    Most of the lesson packs we produce ourselves are available exclusively to our members, so become a member to ensure you don't miss out. As a charity, member fees directly support us to create new content and training regularly. And as our membership grows, so does our capacity to give you all you need to teach safe and effective PSHE education that meets the needs of children and young people.

    All of our lesson plans are designed and delivered by our team of Subject Specialists — the leading national experts in PSHE education — and meet our principles of best practice in PSHE education. We work with a range of trusted experts and public health organisations, including universities, NHS England, the Home Office, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) , to ensure that the content in  our lesson packs is accurate and up-to-date. We also work with a design agency to enhance the user experience for both teachers and pupils. 

    Spotted something that doesn't look right? Get in touch (quoting the relevant resource title and page number(s)) and one of our team will look into it. 

  • We only host or highlight resources that we have produced ourselves, or that have been through a rigorous process of quality assurance by our subject experts and been granted our Quality Mark. Therefore, you can trust that everything on this site meets high-quality standards. If it doesn’t appear on our site then it does not currently hold our Quality Mark or have our endorsement.

    There are a number of providers of resources found elsewhere who reference our Programme of Study and other guidance when describing their resources. For example, in some cases they say that resources cover all of the 'subject areas' or 'learning objectives'. While we are pleased to see providers recognising our guidance, unless a resource carries our Quality Mark — and is listed on our website — we have not reviewed these materials, so cannot vouch for their quality or the extent to which they have covered our suggested curriculum content.

    Schools and teachers should use caution when choosing resources (see our guidance on this subject) and understand that we only ever promote materials that (a) we have produced or (b) that have been through our quality assurance process and achieved (and therefore display) our Quality Mark. All such materials are listed on our website.

    The resources on our site (either that we have produced or quality assured) do not constitute a definitive list of high quality resources. Materials in line with best practice will exist in addition to those that we have quality assured and we provide guidance to schools on what factors to look out for or avoid when making decisions about what to use in the classroom. There is also support available to schools that we cannot assess — see our Quality Mark page for further information.

    On a related note, we have also seen organisations advertise that they are members of the PSHE Association. While this may be the case, membership is primarily aimed at schools, teachers and those such as MAT and local authority colleagues that support them — and any indication by others that they are members must not imply that this represents membership of a trade or umbrella body, or that membership implies endorsement or partnership.