Key stage 5/Post-16

Key stage 5/Post-16 is our last opportunity to ensure that students have real competence in the skills and strategies they’ve been developing throughout their PSHE education — and to extend the knowledge and understanding that they need to equip them for independent living and the next stage in their education or career.


Start with our KS5 Programme Builder and Planning Tool, then browse our KS5/post-16 resources for all topics, from physical health to mental health, Relationships and Sex Education to community and responsibility.

PSHE at KS5 twilight


Plan and tailor schemes of work for your KS5 students. 
Guidance and top tips on setting ground rules and distancing learning in PSHE education.
Advice for schools on addressing the impact of online influencers who promote misogynistic rhetoric and other discriminatory behaviours and attitudes.
See all guidance

Research and evidence

Published: October 6, 2021
A short evidence briefing on pupils who report receiving good PSHE provision and their wellbeing in school.

Training and events

See all training and events