
New lesson packs and report on sharing nude images

Jul 4, 2022 12:29:11 PM
Our latest lesson packs will help you address the issue of nude image sharing between young people, informed by groundbreaking new research that highlights not only the extent, but also the nature, of the problem.

There are two lesson plans in total: one for key stage 3 students on feelings associated with sharing nudes, and another for key stage 4, addressing social attitudes and expectations related to nude image sharing. Both are available exclusively to members of the Association.

What's included in the lesson packs?

  • Detailed accompanying teacher guidance
  • PDF lesson plans and student resources
  • PowerPoint versions of each lesson

Download now

The issue…

Even if they’re not sharing images themselves, lots of young people are being sent images or being asked to send them by others.

Social Research agency Revealing Reality surveyed more than 5,000 young people and carried out as in-depth interviews with young people and professionals for their new 'Not Just Flirting’ report.

Thank you to many of you who supported us in this important research which not only highlights the extent of the issue but the detrimental effects it has on some groups over others. It also explores the motivations and pressures behind sending nude images so that we can offer a more nuanced and effective response. Example findings include that:

  • More than a third of the girls surveyed said they’d first been asked to send a nude image when they were 13 or younger.
  • 46% of girls who had sent a nude before said one of the reasons they did so was because they felt pressured into it, compared with 10% of boys who’d sent a nude who said this.
  • 70% of girls who had received a nude or nearly nude picture or video that they hadn’t asked for said they felt “disgusted” compared with 17% of boys who had received a nude image they hadn’t asked for.
  • 63% of boys who had sent a nude before said one of the reasons they did so was because they wanted to turn someone on, compared with 50% of girls who’d sent a nude who said this.

We hope our new lesson plans will help you to address this statutory RSHE content with confidence.

Read the report

PSHE Association CEO Jonathan Baggaley said:

 “This landmark research helps teachers and schools think beyond the binary of a blunt ‘just say no’ approach or an uncritical acceptance of nudes as a new form of flirting. Giving insight into the extent and reasons why, for example, the issue is so much more challenging for girls, prompts us to highlight and address this disparity in the classroom.”