Relationships and Sex Education lesson packs

Teacher guidance, PDF lesson plans, pupil-facing resources and PowerPoints for KS1-2 and KS3-4. Developed on behalf of Medway Public Health Directorate.

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We designed these lesson packs for Medway Public Health Directorate, with topics chosen according to their local priorities. We’re grateful that they’ve allowed us to share it with members as a useful exemplar for others, packed with lesson plans to use when planning your own RSE provision. 

Changing and growing up KS1-2 lesson packs

Relationships and Health Education lesson plans for KS1-2. Fully updated and expanded to reflect statutory Relationships and Health Education requirements.

There are 13 lesson plans available in total, complete with supportive teacher guidance, pupil-facing resources and PowerPoints for confident delivery.

These lessons support pupils to recognise and develop positive, healthy relationships. They also prepare them for the physical and emotional changes that take place as they grow, including those that happen during puberty.

PSHE Association Director of Education & Deputy CEO Jenny Barksfield said:
“A huge thank you to Medway PHD for allowing us once again to share their lesson plans and resources with members of the PSHE Association. This key stage 1 and 2 pack has been fully updated to reflect the DfE’s statutory requirements for Relationships Education and Health Education, addressing healthy relationships and the physical and emotional changes of puberty. The DfE recommends that primary schools continue to deliver an age-appropriate programme of sex education, so in addition to the statutory Relationships and Health Education content, the final lesson for Year 6 teaches how a baby is made. I’m confident that key stage 1 and 2 pupils will find these lessons engaging, accessible and supportive as they grow and change.”


Relationships and Sex Education key stage 3-4 lesson packs

Covering topics from healthy relationships, puberty and consent to contraception, pornography and breaking up, these lessons will help you teach some of the most complex RSE topics safely and effectively, in an inclusive and differentiated way.

The materials will support you to meet statutory Relationships and Sex Education requirements using an age (and stage) appropriate approach. Content is carefully sequenced – a key requirement from Ofsted – for planning within a developmental, spiral PSHE education curriculum.


KS1-2 pack (PDF guidance & lesson packs + PowerPoints)

KS3-4 pack (PDF guidance & lesson packs + PowerPoints)


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