Podcast: Teaching about friendship and bullying
Presented by Jenny Fox, one of our Senior Subject Specialists, and featuring colleagues Bethan Miller and Dr Joshua Stubbs, this episode looks at the statistics and research base around the impact of bullying, as well as the importance of establishing and maintaining friendships for all children and young people. We also consider schools’ statutory duties, and the nuances of teaching this topic in primary school and secondary school settings.
- Friendship and bullying lesson packs for KS1-4
- Department for Education: Preventing and tackling bullying guidance
Anti-bullying Alliance. (2022). Bullying, school experiences and wellbeing: a picture of pupil experience in England 2022. Retrieved from: https://anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/sites/default/files/uploads/attachments/Pupil%20bullying%2C%20wellbeing%20and%20school%20experiences%20in%20schools%20in%20England%202022.pdf
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