
Free webinars: Tackling sexual abuse and harassment in schools

Feb 23, 2022 11:05:42 AM

We’re supporting a series of three Department for Education (DfE) twilight webinars focussed on aspects of tackling sexual abuse and harassment in schools and would like to invite you to attend.


The 90-minute sessions take place on Wednesdays 2, 9 and 16 March at 4pm and will cover: domestic abuse, pornography and sexual exploitation. This includes advice on how schools can approach these issues through statutory RSHE content on the PSHE education curriculum, which the DfE says ‘provides an excellent vehicle to create a whole-school culture change and promote pupils’ safety and wellbeing’.


These events will provide an opportunity for PSHE leads and teachers, teaching assistants, designated safeguarding leads and SENCOs to hear from us, the DfE and other experts in the field including: