PSHE education helps children and young people to understand their own and others’ emotions, develop healthy coping strategies and seek appropriate support. And talking openly about mental health issues is an effective means of breaking down any associated stigma.
Teaching about mental health and emotional wellbeing is also now a requirement as part of statutory Health Education. Our guidance, lesson plans and training will help you cover all statutory content safely, sensitively and in a way that’s appropriate to age or stage of development.
PSHE education equips pupils to adopt healthy behaviours and strategies from an early age, and to seek trustworthy support when they or their friends need it. Protective learning – including good communication, problem-solving, healthy coping skills, resilience and recognising emotions – can reduce the risk of pupils turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms. These factors lay the foundations for more specific learning about mental health later on, including a focus on issues such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders.