Make sure your school meets all its PSHE education needs with this great value, flexible membership.
Our most popular option, school membership gives you the flexibility to add as many members of staff as you need. Every teacher will have their own log-in and unlimited access to all member benefits.
Schools come in all shapes and sizes. Our support and training will ensure your school meets all statutory RSHE and Ofsted/ISI requirements, whatever the context.
Join our thriving community and help us lead the effort to ensure that every pupil gets the PSHE education they deserve.
If you have multiple schools in your academy trust, local authority or other network then consider group membership for further discounts.
The PSHE Association is an invaluable source of knowledge, support, information, advice, training and help. They have their finger on the pulse and are passionately involved in promoting and securing PSHE in the curriculum. I would struggle to do my job without them!
PSHE Association member
We have a range of memberships to suit everyone.
Great for those working on their own
Your whole school benefits
For academy trusts and local authorities