Ipsos SDD survey lesson plan

A free lesson plan is available to those schools who have been invited to participate in the Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use (SDD) Survey 2023 this autumn.

Download the participating in research lesson

The SDD survey is the main source of information on young people’s smoking, vaping, drinking and drug use behaviours. It’s therefore incredibly useful for those of us working on PSHE education solutions to these challenges.

This first lesson plan — participating in research — explains the concept of informed consent and how it protects people. It also explores how data is collected, stored and used (a statutory RSHE requirement) as well as the potential benefits and drawbacks to participation in research. This lesson will support your students to evaluate any research opportunities that arise in their lives, not just the SDD survey, and is now available to download using the below link.

Download the participating in research lesson


Next steps

For those schools whose students complete the survey this autumn a second, follow-up lesson plan will be made available. The second lesson plan explores how young people’s participation in research can be protective and empowering at a community level and both how and why people may seek support in relation to smoking, drinking and drug use.

Schools who take part will also receive a personalised report showing how their school’s data compares against national averages as well as a payment of £150, as a thank you for taking part.

Findings from the survey are completely confidential: no-one will be able to identify which schools or pupils have taken part in the study from the data.


How do I get involved in SDD 2023?

If you were chosen to participate your school will already have been sent an invite. Email sddsurvey@ipsos.com to accept this invitation to take part or to double check whether your school has been invited in the first place.