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How do I renew my membership?

Here's how to manually renew your membership on our website...

We offer a membership renewal service which will automatically renew your membership on your expiry date, if you don't know if this is turned on or off, see this article.

If auto-renewal is turned off, you can manually renew your membership on our website by following the steps below:

1. Login to your account.

2. If your membership is expiring in less than a month, you will see a banner at the top of the page with a link to Renew now, or if this isn't showing up you can go to this page.

Account expiring soon

3. Select which membership type you would like to renew with and fill out the payment form.

As long as you complete this process whilst logged in, you will be able to continue using the same login details as previously to access your new year of membership.

If you encounter any issues during this process, please contact us at