Addressing pornography through PSHE

Feel confident teaching about pornography and its potential harms to young people.

Download guidance & research briefing


Teacher briefing

We have created this briefing for PSHE leads and teachers who are beginning to teach about pornography and its potential harms to young people, or who are reviewing their existing PSHE education curriculum content.

Building on research into the potential impact of pornography on young people, we outline how to effectively address issues relating to pornography through the PSHE curriculum, including:

  • why to teach about it
  • how to teach about it
  • how to build this learning to a wider PSHE programme.

This work will help you address the requirement for secondary schools to teach that 'sexually explicit material, e.g. pornography, presents a distorted picture of sexual behaviours, can damage the way people see themselves in relation to others and negatively affect how they behave towards sexual partners' as part of statutory Relationships and Sex Education at secondary.

We also explore the key role primary educators play in laying the foundations for secondary teaching by covering personal safety, respect in different types of relationships and media and digital literacy.

Research briefing

Also included: a research briefing for educators, written by Dr Elly Hanson. This briefing will provide an overview of key research into the potential impact and harms of pornography.

Published by our research arm, Fuly Human, in 2021, 'Pornography and Human Futures' brings together research on porn with wide-ranging literatures on core elements of human flourishing to answer some critical questions.