News and opinion

Writing a PSHE education lesson plan — guidance for teachers and publishers

Written by PSHE Association | Oct 12, 2021 1:45:00 AM

Whether you're creating a bespoke lesson plan for your class or writing a resource to submit for our Quality Mark, make sure you consider the following questions.


Are there clear and appropriate learning objectives and learning outcomes?

What will students learn about during the lessons? And what will they be able to identify / describe / explain / recognise as a result of the lessons? Take a look at our Programme of Study and quality assured lesson plans for inspiration. 


Have you included a range of interactive activities?

Activity choices should be varied throughout the lesson and have clear advice/options for adapting them for learners with different abilities — to maximise engagement and participation. 


Are there opportunities for assessment of learning throughout the lesson, including a baseline assessment?

Assessment is central to effective teaching and learning. It allows pupils and teachers to reflect on what has been learned, increases motivation for future learning and demonstrates impact. See our assessment guides for more advice. 


Is there an activity that allows pupils to demonstrate their learning and progress?

The simplest and most effective way of demonstrating progress is to revisit the original baseline activity.  Some baseline assessment activities (e.g. mind-maps, draw and write, explain to an alien) are well suited to this approach — pupils can use a different colour to add to their baseline activity and demonstrate their increased understanding. In other cases, pupils might repeat the activity or carry out a completely different activity. 


Is there clear delivery guidance for teachers?

Guidance should to enhance teachers' experience, and support them to get the most out of the resource and meet the needs of their pupils in a safe and effective way.


Have you included timings for activities?

Most PSHE education lessons last 50-60 minutes, so lesson plans need to provide accurate timings for each stage of the lesson to keep teachers (and pupils) on track. Include optional extension activities in case there's extra time at the end of the lesson or the class finish the core activities sooner than expected.