News and opinion

Parent/carer copies of our RSE resources

Written by PSHE Association | Apr 17, 2023 12:48:34 PM

The best PSHE education is a partnership between parents/carers and schools — and this includes transparency regarding curriculum content and materials.

The PSHE Association has therefore always been happy to make our materials available for parents/carers to view within the context of face-to-face meetings on the school premises. While this is advisable — as it allows parents/carers and schools to discuss the rationale behind approach and curriculum content — we understand that this is not always convenient for parents/carers.

With this in mind, we’re delighted to provide parent/carer copies of all PSHE Association member materials covering RSE (relationships and sex education). You can now share these copies of our materials via email with any parent/carer of a pupil at your school who requests access to content of lessons taught to their children. Some of our materials are already free for all to access but these new parent/carer copies cover all member-only RSE resources.

With a lot of focus on teaching materials recently, we also want to reassure schools regarding the rigour with which we approach creating our lesson plans, ensuring they are  effective and compliant with DfE guidance and all legal requirements (see our statement for further details). These lesson plans also come with teacher guidance which includes advice on safe teaching - focussing on crucial aspects such as distancing and establishing clear ground rules with pupils prior to delivery. 

How does it work?

Both teacher and parent/carer copies of resources are available to download from the same folder. Members can just log-in to access them as soon as a parent/carer makes a request to see lesson plans of ours that you are using to teach their children.

What’s the difference between teacher and parent/carer copies?

The only difference between these copies is an added introduction for parents/carers providing context and information on copyright restrictions, and a watermark that appears on each page.

As a charity and membership body we charge a modest annual membership fee that allows us to create materials, training and support with great care. Some materials take our Subject Specialists months to create, so it's a requirement of our membership terms that when parents/carers request access they are sent the parent/carer copies only.

Parents/carers can print off one copy, and may download extracts, of any page(s) for their personal use as a parent/carer of a pupil at their child’s school, but not modify or share online or elsewhere. Please familiarise yourself with full information on copyright restrictions set out on the cover page of parent/carer copies as it will help in your communications with parents/carers.

How can I share the materials?

The resources are for sharing with parents/carers by email upon request. This gives you, and them, guaranteed access to the most up-to-date versions. We work hard to ensure materials are updated to reflect most recent requirements, guidance (e.g. changes to statutory guidance) and evidence. Therefore, it is vital that you are using, and sharing, the most up-to-date versions.

Are there parent/carer copies of non-member materials?

Not at the moment, given these materials are freely available to view by all anyway and you can just send parents/carers a link to where they can easily view them.

Do you plan to provide parent/carer access to materials covering other aspects of PSHE education?

We have prioritised giving access to all RSE content but may in future create parent/carer copies of resources covering other aspects of the subject — from mental health to economic wellbeing — depending on demand. In the meantime, any of these materials can be shared with parents/carers in the context of face-to-face meetings on the school premises.

Do you have any guidance on how best to communicate with parents/carers about PSHE/RSHE?

Yes. Our guidance on engaging with parents will support you to have effective, transparent conversations with parents on what is covered in your PSHE programme, and the rationale (e.g. regarding children’s safeguarding, health and wellbeing) behind it. We are also working on additional ways to support schools to engage with parents. Watch this space.